Thursday, January 26, 2012

10 Love Tactics For New Relationships

Like so many things in life, dating has its set of guidelines and boundaries that must be observed. And when it comes to new relationships, that statement could not be any truer.

Many men err and the guidelines are occasionally broken, often resulting in a breakup that leaves them wondering what went wrong. You need to be one step ahead by knowing the dating rules and respecting them. The rules are easy. What's needed from you is patience and self-restraint.

Let's start with 10 things you should avoid if you want to keep the awesome babe you just scored.

Rule #1: Don't be needy

It's one thing to want your girlfriend's company, but it's quite another to need it in order to be content. A woman will flee from a man who clings to her like a determined parasite. If you're emotionally independent, your woman will see that as strength and confidence -- two very desirable traits.

Rule #2: Don't fish for feedback

You may be dying to know what your new lady thinks about you and your behavior. That's fine, but keep it under wraps. The constant need for validation shows that you're uncertain of your own qualities and actions. Let her tell you what she thinks about you when she's ready.

Rule #3: Don't say it, do it

Words can be nice but they're meaningless if not accompanied by action. Instead of yapping about how much she means to you, show it through affection, tenderness and respect. Make her see that you mean it without voicing it. Actions are that powerful.

Rule #4: Don't expect her to be like you

You may have a lot to give (and think you have a swell way of showing it) and that's great. But you can't expect her to mirror your affections. Everyone has their own way of caring; it's unreasonable, not to mention off-putting, to demand someone to be more like you.

Rule #5: Don't make premature confessions

You might want to spill some of your secrets to her, which, on the one hand, shows you trust her. But on the other hand, it could seem like you're rushing intimacy -- another big turnoff. Be patient, the time will come to reveal those sketchy skeletons. Instead, be attentive to what she has to say. If you show her that you're listening, you will smoothly beckon more verbal (and physical) intimacy between you.

Rule #6: Don't pressure her

Pushing your new lady to do things you want her to do, be it sexual, affectionate, or otherwise, is one of the best ways to scare her away. So instead of expecting things from her, concentrate on what she does do that makes you happy. And think about what you can offer rather than what you can get. She'll notice the effort you put into making her happy, and she'll want to make you happy in her own way. In other words, don't pressure her; pleasure her.

Rule #7: Don't say "I love you"

Those three words are not to be thrown around carelessly. Love is like comedy; it's all about timing. Say the punch line too soon and you risk losing your audience. Instead, build up to it, make her wait for it, hold off until she's ripe and on the edge. Wait until you know her really well, when a solid base of trust has been established. Once she has proven herself worthy of your most prized offering, then you can tell her she has it.

Rule #8: Don't send gifts (prematurely)

Showering a woman with gifts in the first stages of a relationship will not make her like you more or motivate her to keep you around. If anything, spoiling her too soon will show you have little else to offer and that you essentially need to buy her attention. Wait for a milestone in your relationship, such as an anniversary or birthday, before giving her a gift. You can also give presents as rewards for her good actions. This is a sly way to encourage some behaviors over others.

Rule #9: Don't send letters

Just as you shouldn't yap the three words too soon, resist the urge to commit long romantic treatises to paper. If your new lady inspires poetic dissertations, keep them to yourself. Stick to brief notes and e-mail to let her know she's on your mind. Keep it vague so that she doesn't quite know where she stands with you. Mystery is much sexier than obsession.

Rule #10: Don't be readily available

Speaking of mystery, it's something you should foster to your best ability. Long-lasting seduction involves a touch of the unknown, the art of keeping her guessing. Don't be around all the time. Let her wonder about you; let yourself monopolize her thoughts. The thrill of uncertainty is much more interesting than the dullness of security.

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